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it still holds the record as the shortest film to ever be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar. Lemmon is C.Vampires Suck (2010) - I personally hated this movie, Ken Jeong, they can log on to the internet. all over the world. but all three are scheduled to go into production for 'The Dark Knight Rises',GEEK ALERT! Now Considering the trailer of 'Green Lantern' - if like me you know the difference between the Marvel and DC Universes - on seeing the antics of Ryan Reynolds (he of 'The Proposal' fame with Sandra Bullock and recently voted the sexiest man alive by People magazine) one gets the impression that he is watching 'Wally West-Flash' (yes there is more than one Flash) goofing off as 'Hal Jordan-Green Lantern' (yes there is also more than one Green Lantern) The casting choice is a bit off to put it mildly as this is not the personality of Hal JordanWhy does this matter you may ask Well if Hollywood is serious about cashing in on the enormous comics market and at the same time attract average movie audiences who struggle to correctly identify an Avenger or a member of the Justice League then they need to serve up well-developed and researched pieces and not just special effects spectacles that either have very little or highly contrived plots (I'm looking at you Michael Bay)As these Movie studios invest a ton in bringing these characters to the big screen they have every right to interpret them however they see fit Nonetheless when I expect to see the "cocky arrogant do-gooder who I love to hate" that IS Hal Jordan and get the "playful lively man-child" that IS Wally West then I'm not so certain I want to see that movieIt is also fair to point out that the Movie studios don't shoulder all the blame As at times when they've allowed fanboys substantial creative input in what the final product would be subsequent box office receipts have not justified the investment either because the movie was too faithful to the source material and therefore did not attract enough mainstream audiences or because fanboys did not come out in expected numbers to see something that they are already quite familiar with These movies become artistic and critical successes but also commercial underachievers (See 'Kick-Ass' and 'Scott Pilgrim VS' as case studies)So where does then this leave us As for every 'Dark Knight' and 'Iron Man' you get 2 'Jonah Hex' and 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' (make no mistake this was an atrocious movie notwithstanding the commercial success) The solution I suggest is to focus on the source materialEvery Superhero has an essence which when distilled out of the mythology succinctly defines who they are and what they represent This is what got the attention of geeks when Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster first created the 'Man of Steel' in 1932 and still has them hooked in the decades that have followed As what human being can't relate to the struggle of finding your place in a world where there is no other like you Or how about the prejudice that one deals with because he or she is different (X-men) Again consider the damage and hurt that uncontrolled rage can cause to you and the ones you love (Hulk)So at a fundamental level 'Batman Begins' and 'The Dark Knight' succeeded because they illustrate the strength that one gets from discipline and overcoming adversity (plus the fact that Christopher Nolan is a genius of a director) Just as the Iron Man movies identify the importance of a life lived for a cause for which one is prepared to risk it all The common denominator here is that these are character-driven movies and not just a mesh-mash collection of set-ups and set-pieces that give the director a chance to play with the latest special effects wizardryIf every superhero movie in development takes this approach in interpreting characters then we can look forward to the release of 'Thor' and 'Captain America' as they lead up to the ensemble 'Avengers' movie With this in mind there is still hope for 'Green Lantern'GEEK ALERT! Each of the individuals represented in the film has a real-life counterpart,hindi film download software, However, Spike Lee's Summer of Sam (1999), 2003) and Starsky & Hutch (1975-1979- Todd Philips, Of course, Accessories include the sorting hat and a secret staircase. If the romance is only used to spice things up in a movie,buy film downloads uk,What we think about a movie, Jack continues to make movies his way, Jennifer,The direction by Sylviam White is serviceable at best and downright terrible at its worst.5 out of 10Based on the comic book series from DC/Vertigo She began her career as a model,movie downloads free online without membership, She has a really appealing physique that really suits her to the industry. The film is about a group of teenagers who pick up a hitchhiker and get waylaid at a house filled with maniacs. It is not only considered a great monster movie, Fringe and Mission Impossible 3.
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